Saturday, January 25, 2014

Maria & David | Lehigh Valley Wedding

I have to say I do love photographing weddings as much as I love portrait photography.  Seeing the love of the bride and groom, the happiness of their friends and families as they say "I do", the appreciation and the celebration of one another as they become one… it's amazing to see and as a photographer 
amazing to be a part of.
David and Maria are an amazing couple… the love they have for one another is evident.

We hope you enjoy this glimpse of their wedding day! 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Collections| Bundle of Joy

Baby Andrew | Bundle of Joy

I simply enjoy capturing all the special moments in my clients lives. 
I was touched when this adorable family contacted me to capture the joy of the birth of their second child.  These two are amazing parents and I just knew that Matthew was going to be the BEST big brother there was.  He is so kind and caring.  
He was so proud to be photographed with his mommy, daddy, and soon-to-be little brother… holding his "Big Brother" sign so high and smiling with joy.  It was definitely picture perfect and he was a sweetheart the entire session.

I told you he was such a proud big brother.

It was such an amazing session and then the day came & sweet baby Andrew was here.  I was overwhelmed with excitement for this family and big brother Matthew!  Sarah & I ventured to their home just days after he was born for Andrew's first ever photo shoot.  
This is a pretty important session, because newborns are photographed typically in the first 3-10 days after birth and the parents need to trust you.  They need to be comfortable with you and know that their precious little gift is in good hands.  
During our newborn sessions we are gentle, we are caring, and most importantly we are patient.  We work on your new little baby schedule and accommodate him/her as we move through the session.  Newborn sessions are typically between 3-4 hours in length and are done in the comfort of your own home.  We bring all our props and equipment to you and your home becomes our studio for a few hours.  We find this is the MOST comfortable and easiest as you introduce a new little one into your lives and your home.  

Time to meet ANDREW…..  He was a dream! 

If you are expecting consider our "Bundle of Joy" collections to capture one of the most amazing times in your life.  

This Collection is $700 and includes:
Maternity & Newborn Sessions
10x10 storyboard
25 Birth Announcements
one 11x14 print
5 gift prints
*gift prints are 8x10 and under

To book your session email us at

Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 project

No...not another 365 project

Last year I tried... the year before I tried... I think I may have even tried the year before that.  I tried to do the 365 project, but honestly... I ran out of things to photograph and as much as I love photographing my kids I'm sure my friends and clients were over it.  So this year I decided I'm not doing a 365 project.  I had a new idea.  My 9 year old daughter got her very first dSLR camera from "santa" (yes, she still believes) and I decided how awesome and fun it would be to do a project with her.  So I started thinking and at first I wanted to do an "about me" project... her and I would randomly take pics of things about ourselves 2 or 3 times a week and we'd tell a story about each of our lives.  I loved it, but it wasn't quite what I wanted.  

I wanted bonding time with her and I wanted to see her view, so then it hit me.  We can do a project about one another... I will photograph things that represent her and she will photograph things that she feels represent me!  How fun will this be?  Throughout 2014 I will show my daughter all the things I love about her (i'm sure this will be photo book quality) AND she will take photos of the things that remind her of me, things that I love, and the way she sees her mommy.

I'm so very excited about this project.  I will be posting our images on my facebook page here so go like my page and follow us and our project.  We'd also LOVE for you to join us... grab your son/daughter and start your project with us.  We'd love for you to share with us as well.  We will be taking 2-3 photographs per week... it will be random (because certainly I cannot commit to a time schedule), but I'm excited about learning more about my daughter and learning more about how she sees her momma.

Here's the start... photo number #1.

....because this is what this whole project is about... Jakayla, mommy, and photography.  It was her choice to do this photo of me to start our project and of course... I just followed along (I'm such a copier), but the idea was a good one.  
